Source code for deprecation_check

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os

import pymzml

[docs] def main(): """ Testscript to highlight the function name changes in the Spectrum class. Note: Please adjust any old scripts to the new syntax. usage: ./ """ example_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "tests", "data", "example.mzML" ) run = spectrum_list = [] for pos, spectrum in enumerate(run): spectrum_list.append(spectrum) spectrum.hasPeak((813.19073486)) spectrum.extremeValues("mz") spectrum.hasOverlappingPeak(813.19073486) spectrum.highestPeaks(1) spectrum.estimatedNoiseLevel() spectrum.removeNoise() spectrum.transformMZ(813.19073486) if pos == 1: spectrum.similarityTo(spectrum_list[0]) break
if __name__ == "__main__": main()