Source code for simple_parser

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pymzml

[docs] def main(mzml_file): """ Basic example script to demonstrate the usage of pymzML. Requires a mzML file as first argument. usage: ./ <path_to_mzml_file> Note: This script uses the new syntax with the MS level being a property of the spectrum class ( Spectrum.ms_level ). The old syntax can be found in the script where the MS level can be queried as a key (Spectrum['ms level']) """ run = for n, spec in enumerate(run): print( "Spectrum {0}, MS level {ms_level} @ RT {scan_time:1.2f}".format( spec.ID, ms_level=spec.ms_level, scan_time=spec.scan_time_in_minutes() ) ) print("Parsed {0} spectra from file {1}".format(n, mzml_file)) print()
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(main.__doc__) exit() mzml_file = sys.argv[1] main(mzml_file)